Complete your Custom Sauna for Personalized RelaxationMAXIMIZE YOUR RELAXATION TIME WITH AN IN-HOME SAUNA
Saunas are some of the ultimate premium items to have in a home. They maximize your relaxation time by working to lower your stress levels, increase your cardiovascular efficiency and work to give you an overall glow of health. Having all of these benefits in one of your rooms is like having an entire vacation behind a door in your own house!
Those with a knack for construction may choose to build their own sauna either in a pre-existing room or as a separate space outside of the home. The basic materials that you will need are:
Walls – these will be reflective foil line walls with panelling
- Flooring – tiles or an epoxy paint system like Kromotex
- Lighting – designed to function in the high heat levels of your sauna
- Doors – sealed to keep heat in and perfectly fitted to your opening
- Heater – wood burning or electric
Before beginning your project consult with our professional team to ensure you have the most efficient layout and design for guidance for every step of your sauna project so you can do it right the first time!
Prefabricated saunas are the perfect answer for those who want a new sauna installed with minimal fuss, mess and effort. They usually come in finished wall panel sections that easily lock together. Within hours, you can be enjoying your new sauna. Best part is that you can take it with you.
Have a particular look you’re going for? How about a room that you want to be remodeled with maximum use of the space? A custom built sauna is your chance to have the exact sauna you want. It is a luxury level item of an already luxurious product!
A deeper level of detoxification & healing comes from the latest technological advances in Far Infrared Saunas. The heaters emit infrared radiant heat that penetrates several inches deep below the skin surface drawing toxins from deep within, soothing aching muscles and joints. The simulated fever fights bacteria and viruses, warding off simple ailments & infections. Infrared rays heat the body of the person, but not the air of the sauna. This is very beneficial for those who may not be able to handle the heated moist air inside a traditional sauna.
Visit our showroom to view all of the different options, and to select what model is right for your needs with the help of our expert team.
From Our Blog

Sauna Construction Details Often Overlooked
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We’re excited to partner with Sauna Style to help deliver all your sauna accessory needs – right to your door.