Blaze King Chinook 30.2

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Blaze King Chinook 30.2

The Chinook 30 has a modern European design with curved sides. The Standard Ash Drawer is mounted on specially engineered runners for a smooth gliding action. The Chinook 30 is among the cleanest of wood stoves available with particulate emissions of only 0.80 g/hr. The 2.9 cu. ft. firebox is capable of burning for up to 30 hours on low.


Heating Area 1,100 – 2,400 sqft
BTU: 50,000
Efficiency: 76%
Burn Time: up to 30 hours on low
Average Heating Time: 8-13 hours

Unit Dims: 29 1/4″ W x 35 1/2” H x 27 7/8” D


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